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Men's Health
For years Shipshape has provided Men's Health services for those struggling with physical & mental health issues as well as working with Fathers and men in need of various types of support.
We have a dedicated Men's Health Worker called Tom who runs sessions focussed on Men's health, as well as providing 1-2-1 support on any issues facing men in the community.

Wellness Cycling Club
We are now running a weekly cycle group for building confidence, getting active and staying social. We do safe park cycling as well as group rides to local parks. Some bikes & helmets are available if you do not have your own.
Tuesdays 10.00 - 12.00 (TBC due to Covid)

Walking Football
We play walking football every week at U-MIX centre. Rules are in place to ensure that the session is safe and inclusive. Join us for some light exercise and a chat.
Tuesdays 13.00 - 14.00 (TBC due to Covid)

Heeley City Farm Visit
We have regular days out at Heeley City Farm where we can see the animals and enjoy the gardens. We are also developing ideas for activities in wood craft and music. Join us for a couple of hours of something different.
Tuesdays or Thursdays 13.00 - 15.00 (Dates TBC)

Men's Wellness Group
We hold a fortnightly zoom call for men in the community who like to stay in touch and chat. We discuss whats going on as well as wellbeing topics.
Every other Thursday 11.00 - 12.00

Therapeutic Gardening
We are developing a weekly gardening project with volunteer growers in the community. We are right at the beginning of our project to rejuvenate the outdoor space at our centre. Join us to learn how to grow flowers and vegetables in a supportive and social environment.
Fridays 13.00 - 15.00 (Dates TBC)

Men's Practical Support
We offer ad-hoc support for Men with managing their wellbeing, employability, advocacy, improving confidence, language skills and paperwork support.
Thursday & Fridays bookable slots
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